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發(fā)電機組廠家解析常用柴油發(fā)電機組需知的日常小知識 Generator manufacturers analyze the daily knowledge needed for commonly used diesel generator sets

作者:admin 瀏覽量:56 來源:本站 時間:2024-08-18 20:00:34



揚州海弘機電設備有限公司是一家專業(yè)的發(fā)電機廠家 發(fā)電機組廠家 柴油發(fā)電機廠家 柴油發(fā)電機組廠家 發(fā)電機組,靜音發(fā)電機組、移動發(fā)電機組、生產(chǎn)的發(fā)電機組在相同品牌,相同配置的柴油發(fā)電機組生產(chǎn)銷售廠家中價格優(yōu)惠,所有品牌柴油發(fā)電機組全國免費質保,免費上門指導安裝,均能享受完善的售后服務,請全國各地的用戶放心使用。

The estimation of the capacity of commonly used diesel generator sets is selected based on the long-term continuous operation output power of the unit to meet the large calculation load of the entire project. According to the Chinese standard GB1105.1-1987 "Test Methods for Internal Combustion Engine Bench Performance, Standard Environmental Conditions and Calibration of Power, Fuel Consumption and Engine Oil Consumption", under standard environmental conditions (atmospheric pressure=100kPa, relative temperature=30%, ambient temperature=298K or 25 ℃, inlet temperature of intercooler cooling medium=298K or 25 ℃), the diesel engine is allowed to operate continuously for 15 minutes at the calibrated power. When the environmental humidity and altitude are too high, the air density decreases, and the supply of oxygen required for combustion during unit operation decreases. The output power of the unit should be correspondingly reduced. In other words, the selected power of the unit should be higher than the power value of the load, that is, when the unit operates under non-standard conditions, the diesel engine should be calibrated for power.

The output power of a diesel generator set operating continuously in a conventional environment is generally 0.9 times the rated power. If the capacity of the unit is selected too small, it will not be able to drive all loads or cause sudden shutdown when starting high-power loads; If the capacity of the unit is chosen too large, the investment and maintenance costs will be high, resulting in resource waste. Moreover, according to the characteristics of diesel engines, when they operate at low loads for a long time, it will cause serious carbon deposits in the engine piston rings, fuel injectors, and other areas, as well as increased cylinder wear and other adverse consequences that can damage the unit.

During the operation of diesel generator sets, for resistive loads such as light bulbs, electric furnaces, and ovens, as well as inductive loads such as machine tools, water pumps, and other large electrical equipment, the characteristic of resistive loads is that the resistance remains basically unchanged, but the current decreases proportionally with voltage. Therefore, for electrical equipment with different loads, the capacity of diesel generator sets needs to be recalculated.

Yangzhou Haihong Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional generator manufacturer specializing in diesel generator sets, silent generator sets, mobile generator sets, and diesel generator sets with the same brand and configuration. The prices of the produced generator sets are discounted among manufacturers of the same brand and configuration. All brands of diesel generator sets have free national warranty and on-site installation guidance, and can enjoy comprehensive after-sales service. Users from all over the country can use them with confidence.








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